
y wasup im bac cuzz im lazy


you where killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you
          We are true friends
          We ride together, we die together
          Send this message to everyone you care about
          I want you to know your a amazing friend till death and forever
          Once you read this
          You must send to 15 people; including me if you want
          If you get at least three replys back you are greatly loved 
          At midnight the person you love will realize they love you
          At 1:00/2:00 am get ready for the shock of your life
          If you break the chain you will have bad luck
          If you don't you'll be ugly for a year...lol jk your beautiful
          Tomorrow two people will ask for your number
          Send this to 15 people you care about or you'll have bad luck this year.


so hey-
          I'm creating an new account.  I'm unsure of the username but I'm creating it now
          If you would be kind enough to follow that account I would greatly appreciate it! I will sent out the password once I'm done
          I love each and everyone of you with my dead- inside heart ~


You're comments on my story make my day! :D


this message may be offensive
            But I've been cravin' that shit since I like up 13 minutes ago 


@That_Weird_Art_Kid i
            It's really sweet 
            Like overly sweet-


hey peeps.  Imma head to bed because I gotta do online school Tomorrow. I WILL I PROMISE I WILL upgrade my story! Just let me sign my account onto my laptop to create better faster and linger (that's what she said) stories :)over you all peeps and all of you are worth the rough time you live on this earth.  I hope you and your close others are staying heathy and safe,  it's not as bad as it seems,  but still take precautions.  -large inhale-
          Like I said love u all~