
My novel “The Missing Ash Prince” is out now on Amazon! Follow the link in my linktree! ❤️❤️


I just noticed “This is Home” hit 3k reads! Thank you guys so much! I’m sorry I lack at updating, but I do my best with everything going on! I have noticed that people want “Wings & Lore” to be updated as well. I promise I’m working on that too!!! 
          FYI: my self published novel, “The Missing Ash Prince” will be coming to Amazon April 30th! Stay tuned! 


          I will try to get an update for The Lost Mortal out soon! But I just saw it hit 2k reads!! Thank you guys so so much!! ❤️❤️ 
          I am free of school and I just be good to start getting some updates out. I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. ❤️
          Stay tuned ❤️❤️  (for both TLM and TIH)


As you guys noticed there has been no updates in over a month. I thought November would be chiller & I could get things out. Unfortunately, along with all my class essays. I have Teacher’s College Applications to do. Those are a lot more important and need all my focus. I will be off Wattpad for the month of November. December will be better. I’m so sorry! 


GAHH! I promise I didn’t forget about updating. I’ve been really, REALLY stressed with Online School. I’m so sorry. I’m trying to fit an update in my schedule. The minute I have a moment. I will get an update out! IM SO SO SORRY!!! ❤️❤️


Sorry! I have been overwhelmed by school starting and I don’t have a balanced schedule yet. I’m hoping to get updates for both This is Home and The Lost Mortal this week. No set date yet, just keep an eye out for that notification.
          Sorry loves ❤️