So my picture isn't me I'm just shy ;-; but that's my favorite violinist. I'm not into punk stuff like my besty Ashley ~sexy ash~ HEYYY PEOPLE IM FOXPLUSH cx ~lele~ yeah her but I don't do zombies and guns and games I'm that shy nerd girl in the back ;-; I have glasses my favorite color is black I've been mugged when I was about 12 I snuck out to smoke weed I got mugged and stabbed in my side and beat to the ground. Yeah don't sneak out alone and don't do drugs please. So I'm 15 born 4/15/1999 yay I guess? Foxplush is a year older I'm single but not ready to mingle guys scare me they get you pregnant and leave all of them and it hurts... A lot so please don't flirt with me this is a website and I live probably country's from you all so I love you and I'll try to write but it might be boring cause it'd involve violins and stuff so I warned you bye!
  • With Ash
  • IscrittoMarch 18, 2015
