Hi. I have decided to delete Between the Pages. The reason for this is that I dont think the stroy is going anywhere, and my characters are not developing. I had this idea of a perfect fanfiction, but its hard to write a fanfic without it being too cheesy or mainstream, which is what mine has become (and has been from the start). I love after, and phantom&mortal, because they are different, they are original, which is what stories should be. I thank you all for almost 900 reads on Between the Pages, I am so grateful. I still want to write a finfic, which I will, sometime again. I love you all. Thanks for everything. I'll miss Nayla, but maybe they'll be re-invented soon. I am now writing a romance story called Dark Desert, which I feel more strongly about, but it isnt fanfic. It's mean the world if you'd check it out. Until soon-KatKatx