I want to take this moment to wish my beautiful friend a very happy birthday. I know we haven't spoken as much in a while, but I love you and I'm sorry for not talking to you all this while.
Your letter was wonderful and I really really loved it. I mean, I don't know what to say other than sorry. I'm sorry, honestly, truly sorry and I promise I'll make it up to you. For one, I haven't forgotten you and I'm trying to make it up to you with this. This isn't it though. I think that we've both been through a lot and it's like, life has just gotten harder recently, you know?
I know that it's been hard for you and I'm telling you it's been hard for me too. I promise that I'll be there for you again and you know, just call or message me whenever you need me. I'm there, I've just been a little clouded. I feel like I've been selfish and I'm sorry.
Guys (my followers and readers), thank you for all your support and reads! I only have one thing to ask of you today - please join me in wishing my beautiful, smart, talented and kind best friend a wonderful birthday. She deserves the world and she deserves happiness. Please help me convince her that's she's important, her smile is important and that she's worth it and her interests and talents are worth it and convince her of her worth and beauty.
Again, wishing you a wonderful fifteenth, soumya @zhlnldirection15 ❤ you're the best, love!