
वतन से मोहब्बत इस कदर निभा गए , मोहब्बत के दिन वतन पर जान लूटा गए ।
          	नहीं भूले हैं हम वो दिन…न भूलेंगे. #14Feb2019 #BlackDayIndia #IndianSoldiers
          	Jai Hind Jai Bharat
          	We can never repay for the sacrifice our soldiers make, so in your valentine's celebration please make a place for prayers to those who lost their valentine forever.
          	Just give a silent prayer.


वतन से मोहब्बत इस कदर निभा गए , मोहब्बत के दिन वतन पर जान लूटा गए ।
          नहीं भूले हैं हम वो दिन…न भूलेंगे. #14Feb2019 #BlackDayIndia #IndianSoldiers
          Jai Hind Jai Bharat
          We can never repay for the sacrifice our soldiers make, so in your valentine's celebration please make a place for prayers to those who lost their valentine forever.
          Just give a silent prayer.


Hi all, I have given an update recently and got a lot of support
          Thanks for all the lovely messages.....
          Now I came across a very beautiful story on  arshi, here is the link for the same
          Pls do support this story
          It's amazing and the writer have written beautifully.......
          Please support....
          I  it's  a lovely story
          If you have just a little time go and read this