Unpublished my all books except One shots, because those books were having tons of grammatical mistakes and full of cringe. I am going to start a new story, but it will not be of behir. I am so sorry to those who want to read behir stories but i am not gonna write further stories of them, it's just i am disappoint of our fandom. You all want to read stories but don't want to appreciate the writer who took her/his time to write for you all. From past few days i saw what is happening in our fandom and to all your kind information i am one of those writer who tolerated these things....
Yes one user name Nihar messeged me saying vulgar things and when i asked him why are you saying these things, he replied 'i write many mature things in my story so what i imagined i wrote, so that i want to do much things that's why he messeged me' like seriously, i wrote mature parts because my friend's wanted and for your all kind information i didn't wrote whole part, my friend who is enough older to write that parts wrote for my story. Yes i wrote some lines but they were limited. I am just 17 i can't describe these things....
So yeah i was very sad after this but my sister encouraged me to write further but now everything is over. I will write only One shots of behir because i will be a behirian till my last breath
So i will inform you all once i start my next story and i will surely gonna update One shots