
Hey guys it's been a really long time ♥ I just wanna tell you, like always, that I love and appreciate you all :) ALSO!! BIG NEWS! I might be updating or making a new book with a group collaboration again. I think those are really fun and it would be really great to write again since I've graduated high school and have some time to work on things. I also think I can *possibly* update some older books that I have promised to update but never did ;-; *I'm so sorry aaaaa* Anyway, this is super long so I hope you all understand and stand tuned for something ^^ Have a great day and night and I will check back in a while! ♥♥♥


Hey guys it's been a really long time ♥ I just wanna tell you, like always, that I love and appreciate you all :) ALSO!! BIG NEWS! I might be updating or making a new book with a group collaboration again. I think those are really fun and it would be really great to write again since I've graduated high school and have some time to work on things. I also think I can *possibly* update some older books that I have promised to update but never did ;-; *I'm so sorry aaaaa* Anyway, this is super long so I hope you all understand and stand tuned for something ^^ Have a great day and night and I will check back in a while! ♥♥♥


If you're new to my Wattpad, welcome! I've put my Instagram link in my bio if you want to know what I do everyday lol. League addicts come join me on the Rift I would be happy to make some new friends!! I'm really thankful for the 90+ notifs from you guys, it really makes my day getting to reply to your wonderful, funny selves. :) Hope all of you take care, have a great day/night. <3 - Fallen


Hello everyone its been awhile! I’d like to, as usual, thank you all for voting for my story and adding it to your reading lists! I’ve just checked my notifications to see over 40! I’m really pleased, thank you so much. As always, have an amazing day/night ❤️ Your support is always appreciated. - Fallen


I've had Wattpad for 3 years and let me tell you I honestly never noticed how much I've changed and grown as a person. My writing back then is an absolute mess but somehow a huge success? Now a days I wish I had the motivation like I did back then to write. The change in me is good and bad, a lot has happened and sometimes all that stuff gets to me. But on the other hand, the change has made me accept myself as a human being and being able to express my thoughts confidently. Change happens to everyone, never be afraid to try new things! Well, unless its like, robbing a bank.. dont do that lol. <3 Thanks for all the love everyone has given my books and myself these past three years. I love you guys! <3