Hi everyone, Don't shoot me. I'm here. It's been a really long while. I've almost finished school (GASP) and hopefully will be going to university this summer. Er, I've grown a lot... and I thought I'd given this all up (work got to me and I wasn't in a good place for a while) and then I logged back on by request and I found so many sweet messages... I feel like I've been a bit too harsh on myself writing wise but - there is no perfect way to write. And if other people enjoy my writing there's no reason for needless criticism. So what I guess I'm trying to say is... I may not be back on the writing stream right now. Still finishing schoolwork, unfortunately. But when I do get everything back on track, I think I will start writing again and re-watching Rebels - and maybe writing some new stuff. Who knows. We all have a long summer ahead of us. This is a crazy time, and I want to say thank you to every one of you who I didn't realise were STILL reading my stories... I hope you're all doing well, staying safe and indoors, and if any of you aren't I hope you get well soon. Lots and lots of love from me xx

@kayardia I'm glad to hear that you might come back! I know I'm new here and I've only just found your fanfics but boy do I love them! I hope that we'll see some Sabezra in the new sequel series! It better happen! Anyways, hope you're well :)