So, I've come to a decision about this account. I'm going to remove all works on here. Why? Because I fear that these harmful stories may actually be influencing the readers to continue what they're doing and harm themselves. And I do not want that, at all. There has been comments on stories which rise my concern for all of you. Please don't harm yourself. Please don't. And I'm afraid these stories only keep the reminder of pain going in the readers lives. So, I've decided to remove everything because I do not want that. I'm sorry to any of you who might be upset about this, but I honestly don't want my stories to make your pain or others in the forefront of the readers mind. Stories will be removed, and this account is already no longer in use to me. If you wish to follow my new one, ya may. But, it's not going to have the self harm, depression and very harsh topics on there. My new account is RedNoodleDragonDemon. Again, I apologize but I seriously can't look at these comments and that make me afraid for someone's life because the story based on the readers pain only is a reminder of their own. I hope ya all respect my decision on this. If ya need to talk, go to my new account and message me. This account is going goodbye.

@Hannah_the_pine_tree I'm super grateful that you're okay with this, and that you liked my work (as bad as it was cause my Grammer was terrible XD ) And like I said, I'm not stopping my writing, just moving on from this side of darkness. ( That doesn't mean I will stop writing Angst, cause I still do, just not to this extent. And when fluff everywhere XD) I hope things will go well for ya too. Always here for ya if ya need to talk. Do it on my other account if ya want to talk. I send ya lots of love!!

I respect your decision and thank you for the chance to read your work. It reminded me there’s a reason to live. I hope things go well for from now on