@Free2BMe4Ever ya she txted me and we worked it out too :) lol!!! i HAVE to read it now! :P haha i like that nickname :) we were talking about how....WE HAVE AN ADDRESS!!! WE GOT A HOUSE!! :D ON THE SAME STREET AS JC PENNY!! :) im sooo happy :) and how tracks done and how he makes me laugh and how i already think of him as my best guy friend and to sleep well :) ya thats the summary of our convo :P
@Free2BMe4Ever seriously!? ugh, annoying! im finishing math hw and then im gonna read :) josh and i were txting for a while :) hehe and people came to look at the house (to rent it after we move) today. it was really cool cuz the lady was super nice and she was like "This is just working out so well! God is sooo good!!" :)