
I am having issues with updating my title page. and a really really want to but my computer doesn't have the programs to let me. so if anyone help me out who has read my story that would be amazing!! and id love you for ever! so yeah message me if you can help.


@kaylapollard712 hey sorry I can't help but I love ur story vamps with benefits and u should totes. Continue. U just left us hanging in suspense.  But  a question who does Danny love cici or Kayla cuz it seems like he loves cici. 
          	  Update soon thx xoxoxoxo much. 


I am having issues with updating my title page. and a really really want to but my computer doesn't have the programs to let me. so if anyone help me out who has read my story that would be amazing!! and id love you for ever! so yeah message me if you can help.


@kaylapollard712 hey sorry I can't help but I love ur story vamps with benefits and u should totes. Continue. U just left us hanging in suspense.  But  a question who does Danny love cici or Kayla cuz it seems like he loves cici. 
            Update soon thx xoxoxoxo much. 


Heyyy everyone!! I recently updated my story so part 17 iss up if anyone didnt know. And i also changed the title of it to Vamps with Benefits thanks to my friend named Dante (and sadly i did just realize its spelled wrong...will fix:)). Comment or messsage mee ur opions:) i think i will update when i reach 150 reads. so just 40 more:) 


Ok first i apologize. I know i SUCK about updating on a normal bases but right now i am in all Honors and AP classes and am drowned in homework. so part 16 will be up in 2 different parts between the span of today and tomorrow. so hope u dont all hate me. write back if you have any ideas for the story. ok.
          Love ya! 


@Aminami i think u should definatly post it. some tyms, expecially for this site, ive realized is that u just have to write to write and not for fans and votes. there jus feel good things ya knw wat i mn? if you think lik ur story then post it. do it for yourself and not everyone else. but thts jus my opinion.


          sorry for any inconvinience
          but i might close my account soon
          and just want to say thankyou for reading my stories
          i really appreciate that..
          i wish you every success..
          im sending this to all fans
          and i hope you're all ok:)
          take care