
thanks for 1k on "Let Her Go" : )


sending all my love & remorse to all the victims/loved ones of the victims affected by this horrible tragedy in Orlando. the world can be such a disgusting place & it saddens me that these kind of things are CONTINUING to have to occur for the government to realize we need stricter gun laws. instead of violence and random hateful acts, our world needs to be filled with positivity & random acts of kindness. deeply hurts me that two men holding hands in public is viewed in someone else's eyes as wrong. love is love, no matter who its between. mind your own god damn business and worry about who yours is between. its not only gun laws that need to be changed-- its the screwed up society we live in that puts the label that 'being gay is wrong' out there. i hope one day we can live in a world that focuses on peace and acceptance. what a wonderful day that will be.