
          	For all those who had been waiting for  the full version of The Secret Agreement A.K,A The Nikaah Agreement , the Full version is on sale, with promotional price for the end of Year. Click on the link below to find the full version:  https://books2read.com/b/mV260Z


This book is close to my heart, as I base the concept on the first story I ever created. My best friend gave the idea and we would use all our free time in writing this. We were only 13 back then, and she introduced me to writing.
          Unfortunately, we lost the original book, and I tried recreating the book another time but lost it again. Thus, this is my last attempt on this book and I hope you all love it. 
          I used the nicknames we had as the two lead characters' names. This would serve as a memory of the beginning of our friendship. 
          So here's the final version of the book LeeanahAugier 