
Hey y’all! New chapter posted in my Tony x Layla one-shots book! Sorry it has taken me so long, I started a new job this summer and have been very busy. But I hope you enjoy! And please comment some requests you have for more stories!


Congrats on your new job!


Hey y’all! New chapter posted in my Tony x Layla one-shots book! Sorry it has taken me so long, I started a new job this summer and have been very busy. But I hope you enjoy! And please comment some requests you have for more stories!


Congrats on your new job!


hi friends! 
          I know most if not all of y’all follow me for Spy Racers fanfics, but I’ve been thinking about posting some of my original stories as well. Please comment if you would want to read these!
          hope everyone has the best day and enjoy the new chapter of World Tour:)


@literallyjustgab yes they are all YA/no spice stories, don’t worry haha


@kaywrites12 Your writing for Spy Racers is already amazing! I'm sure you would do great!


New update on “Girl’s Night.” 
          Also- I know y’all want an update for World Tour and trust me, so do I, I’m just really having trouble figuring out where the story should go next. So I’m going to give y’all some options, and you can vote and maybe help me out haha.
          What should the next chapter be?
          1. Race day: the morning of, during the race, and the aftermath. If you want this, also feel free to comment things you want to see on race day
          2. More exploring the hotel, maybe they find new clues, overhear suspicious conversations, meet suspicious people, etc. Comment some ideas if you have any
          ^those are what I’m debating between right now, feel free to add your own chapter ideas if you have good ones
          Thank you guys and I’ll do my best to post a new chapter soon!




@kaywrites12 oooo I think 1 is a great way to start and then maybe after the race, 2? Just an idea if that helps you :)


Hey everyone. I apologize for how long it’s been since I’ve posted. I know everyone wants updates for the World Tour story, but honestly I haven’t been feeling inspired to write anything for it recently. I’m going to try and finish some more chapters for it, but in the meantime I’ll be posting some one-shots/shorter stories so y’all at least have some other content from me while I work on World Tour. Thanks for all your support and concern about where I’ve been, and I’m sorry again for how long it’s been since I’ve posted anything!


@ kaywrites12   Tony AND layla gray


@kaywrites12 Welcome back! I've heard that writer block sucks so I hope you'll find a way to get out of the void, but maybe try writing different stories/fic from other fandoms if you're out of ideas!


@kaywrites12 Hey, writers block happens. And it totally sucks. We're glad you're back.