
I never would’ve thought I would spend so much of my time cursing at Napoleon the first but I guess studying for the Baccalaureate has that effect on people 


just saying this now bc I genuinely forgot this hell site existed : 
          Use your platform. Keep talking about Palestinian liberation until it's real. Never underestimate your power and keep striking, boycotting, educating yourself, and fighting against this barbaric zionist  rhetoric that dehumanizes Palestinians daily. Call what's happening what it is : GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING. What is happening in Gaza right now (and has been happening to Palestinians in general since the beginning of the occupation) is the most documented and irrefutable case of GENOCIDE. Attacking school, hospitals, refugee camps, civilian areas indiscriminately and slaughtering children, women, doctors, humanitarian workers, and journalists alike shows that Israel's cruelty knows no bounds.  If after all of this you still support, defend, or even try to label this as a "conflict" or a "war" please gtf off my page and never speak to me again. 
          if you have ressources that can help please share them here:


‼️ok so kind of important announcement‼️
             So lately i've gotten back on track with my writing (yay finally) and I was wondering if someone would mind helping me by being my kind of """beta reader""""??? preferably someone who's native language is English and/or is very comfortable with grammar (I may speak the language fluently but im still super insecure about my grammar skills lol) and who doesn't mind listening to me rant and who is willing to give me some kind of feedback (im not asking for and essay just tell me if my story sucks or not pls) . 
             I know this kind of a lot to ask but im not asking for a 100000% long term commitment just if you're willing help me out a bit rn leave a comment on this post pay back will be my eternal love, gratitude, and admiration <33


@lannisports ahndgfh really tysm!!!!! ill send you a pm once its done!!!


I'd love to help you out!!!


i have this theory that the only people that enjoy the brother's best friend trope are people that don't have a brother.


@renaux yeahhh exactly !! I used to hate fake dating until I read a book that completely made me change my mind lol. I'm starting the twisted series soon this so it might make me start liking it????????????


i have a brother and best friends brother trope is still top tier to me DHEGDKDHD depends how its done tho ig


Absolutely dead at the fact that we went through years and years of horrible updates, the apps glitching, & being down, LITERALLY info leaks but the *second* the profile pics become square everyone leaves??? Like that’s your final straw????? I can’t with y’all that’s so unserious 


I honestly didn’t even notice the change until someone said something about it 


@-alwaysthebabysitter ✨the 2020 data breach ✨


what people are leaving bc of the square pfp??? it’s not that serious pls 