It's time y’all— I will officially be leaving this entire platform from now onward. It's been a nice ride but it's time to leave. Thank you all for staying with me for the past four years. And now; [ @CORVIDINE @Mooncarver @Ozzmond @lucazya @Waterisprettycool @godamn_bigfoot @r-rraindrops @dolorblind @ -bee-boy- @ssaraah__ @Kazuhassidebitch @starbunii ] No matter how little or much any of us talk anymore, each and every one of you has been a huge influence on my life and the whole reason I met any of you was because I decided to download this silly little app one day even if we didn’t meet here, it was all because of that. It was one of the best decisions in my life because I met you. Thank you all<33 If I'm needed text me on Instagram [ @felixstainz ] It's been a pleasure, Felix.