
yes its true i copy the first batch of chapters in others story so just keep //......


let her be damn she can post w.e she wants plus the story aint the same, she changed names and made changes, she aint copying sh#$! 


@pinchejackiieee You are actually being ignorant to the fact that it's a copyright cover, and it is a crime. shufflebawt gave up because of the ignorance that is being used to defend this, and now I see what she meant by that. You don't need to keep replying anymore, it's obvious we won't agree.


@50ShadesOfFxckedUp nah nah nah I get the point yall just makin it look like a damn big crime like tf? she aint hurting no ome, she doesnt even kno how to spell she changed stuff so that dont mean she copying it she just took the tittle amd the damn pic relax damn dont be that ignorant!