
Thank you. I have been busy formatting my short story collection for print. It's like working a huge, complex puzzle, eliminating widows and orphans and adjusting spacing in lines where there are huge gaps. Formatting for ebooks is a piece of cake compared to this.
          	I have been following your messages. I plan to read your latest story in wattpad when I get a little more time. Good luck with the philosophy class. I enjoyed philosophy in my university years, particularly Chinese philosophy which I have come to appreciate more in recent years.
          	I hope you are over the flu and other ailments for good. I always enjoy hearing about what you have had to eat.


Hey Ken! Hope you're doing well! I do hope you have solved the puzzle that is your short story collection. Sounds like a complex task, although I'm sure it'll be rewarding when you've printed it, eh? :)


@kcincog Sounds exciting! Wish you much luck with that! The next few months will be busy for you, I can see.
            For the proposal, I had to write three drafts from scratch because I was following different models...(at one point I was thinking about ditching my original topic, but because of time constraints I forced myself to complete it). When I went to get feedback from my module leader, this dusty, scatter-brained philosophy professor, he was a life-saver.... one page of notes on structure later and a few days to mull over his feedback, I cracked the puzzle (at least I hope I did!) a day before the final deadline (naughty, I know!) ;)


            Hi, Farah,
            I have been proofing a printed proof of the paperback version of the short story collection. I hope to be sending out advanced review copies soon and plan to publish in March of 2018.
            I'll take publishing a book over writing a thesis any day. I hope you are making progress with yours.


Thank you. I have been busy formatting my short story collection for print. It's like working a huge, complex puzzle, eliminating widows and orphans and adjusting spacing in lines where there are huge gaps. Formatting for ebooks is a piece of cake compared to this.
          I have been following your messages. I plan to read your latest story in wattpad when I get a little more time. Good luck with the philosophy class. I enjoyed philosophy in my university years, particularly Chinese philosophy which I have come to appreciate more in recent years.
          I hope you are over the flu and other ailments for good. I always enjoy hearing about what you have had to eat.


Hi Ken,
          Hope life is treating you well. It's horrible here in London - last winter was much milder, but what can you do? 
          Have a splendid Christmas! - you deserve it. :)


Damn, the amount of edits your work has gone through - at this stage, it must be a masterpiece, eh? ;) Good luck with that!
            Desert! I can't say I envy you... #canttaketheheat


@chocfudgeO  I am doing well, thank you. I have been doing final edits on my collection of short stories and posting some work on Medium.com.  
            Sorry to hear about the weather there. It never gets very cold here in the desert during winter. I hope you enjoy your holiday vacation and that you have a wonderful Christmas celebration. Feliz navidad. 


          What have you been up to? Is your your short story collection past the editing stage yet? Last time we discussed it, you said it were choosing a cover for it and getting feedback from beta readers. I hope it goes well for you. 
          I just read another one of your stories - Brain. It's pretty cute, if a little mysterious. ;)
          What's the k stand for in @kcincog? I'm betting on Kevin, but I could be wrong... ;)
          All the best,


Character limit ran out (omg!).
            My WIP is weird, but I like it. It's a complete re-write of the short story I was posting on here. As a reader and writer, I'm pleased that my writing has improved. So far, it's a relationship drama, but I may mix genres (it's a very rough draft). I like inserting humour in my stories - humour is timeless. :) How would you describe your sense of humour?


@kcincog The short answer to that, Ken, is... no. :) My pace has slowed considerably since returning back to school. I haven't actually written in 4 days. I blame flu fatigue and staying out late. Yeah, it is a personal deadline - I'm already getting bored of my current WIP (or I think I'll get bored if I still haven't finished this by November). I'm trying to write as much as possible - I had a five month hiatus, where the only writing I did was book reviews.
            My personal record was 1k words in 25 minutes. That passage wasn't too bad - I didn't bother with punctuation, but it was hell on my fingers. :)) The other day I managed 1.3k words in 52 minutes. The goal is to write at least 2k words per hour, so it makes a difference in the long run. I'm always looking for ways to increase my productivity in the shortest amount of time. 
            I laughed hard when you mentioned government meaning "nothing really". That's so true - it's quite vague, isn't it? I actually took politics as one of my A-levels in sixth form college (or high school, as you guys would call it). Worse decision I could have made as a 16 year old. I'm not sure why I even took it - I think it may have been because the courses I wanted to go on were full... Luckily, I passed it, so I was glad. Although, unluckily, I have to take a compulsory policy module this year. British politics bores me - after Brexit, England's in a political wilderness. We have an unelected female PM that no one knows diddly squat about, but who the media seems to be bigging up because she has an (un)fashionable dress sense. May's old hat - Thatcher beat her to it. 
            What's happening in the US is more interesting - I'm following a republican and democrat blog. Stuck-in-the-80s Trump vs Once-is-never-enough Hillary. Not much of a choice haha. Who do you think will win? :)
            That's interesting. I've dreamed of two vivid scenes, which I'm going to turn into novels later. :)


            I am humbled that you enjoy my stories. Happy to hear you are back at university. You are writing your novel at a fast pace (2,000 words per day). Will you be able to maintain that pace while in school?
            You want to finish you first draft by Halloween. Is that a personal deadline?
            I went to college at a time when innovative curricula were all the rage. I could literally put together any list of classes and receive a degree as long as I completed the required number of hours.  I went to a small university and graduated with a liberal arts degree ostensibly in government, but my transcript was a hodge-podge of courses  with a greater number in history and political science, so they called it government which means nothing really. I enjoyed my studies and my broad background in many areas has benefited me over the years.
            I have never based a story on a dream that I know of, although dreams may have influenced stories without me being conscious of it.
            Can you tell me anything about your work in progress?