
Since I’m heading back to school this week,  updates for Things Unknown will likely become biweekly. Maybe the occasional once a week, but we’ll have to wait and see!


I am going to post another chapter of Things Unknown tomorrow before finally starting the biweekly update schedule, as this Wednesday I head back to school. Just wanted to let you all know that! I hope you continue to enjoy it anyways.


I doubt that anyone will check out this message, but here we go: I'm going to edit The Girl in the Locked Room, because I came up with better plot developments and such. It'll still be on hiatus, but I need to edit it.
          Expect the next chapter of Snow and Roses in a few days!


Hey guys! I recently edited 9-L off Wattpad, and now I am going to edit it here. So I'm reposting the (hopefully improved) first two chapters. I hope you check them out and enjoy them.
          Unfortunately, The Girl in the Locked Room is still on hiatus. Just blame writer's block. 
          However, I have a new story that I'll be posting soon. Stay tuned!