
Hey everyone thank you so much for the votes and comments!!! It really means a lot I hope to post something in the next few days for both stories!!! How was everyone's weekend? I just got done with 3 and a half hours of homework for my class ugh I'm wiped and have to be at work at 4am hope everyone had a great day!!! 


Hey everyone thank you so much for the votes and comments!!! It really means a lot I hope to post something in the next few days for both stories!!! How was everyone's weekend? I just got done with 3 and a half hours of homework for my class ugh I'm wiped and have to be at work at 4am hope everyone had a great day!!! 


@brigarn Hey! Thank you for signing up and following my stories! That really makes me feel great.  Yeah I am having my editor who is actually on Wattpad as well doing some edits on AITL cause when i first put the story out he wasn't my editor.  what started me writing this story again is I went back and re-read it all and I was like I found where i want to be with this story! I have a new story up on here as well its a little rough but its going to be great.  I like broken hope it's a very less complicated story but its a refresher there are some great stories on here.  I want to personally thank you again for following my stories and everything it really does mean alot that and WP also gives me a better means to talk to everyone!