
Hi! PCK is trending lol. Not high or anything but all these years and it’s still getting read. You guys are so cool. Actually, I think a lot of my actual followers aren’t on anymore so to the people that don’t follow me and will probably never see this, thank you! Your comments make me smile, and I hope you get what you need out of this story. xxxxxx


Hi! PCK is trending lol. Not high or anything but all these years and it’s still getting read. You guys are so cool. Actually, I think a lot of my actual followers aren’t on anymore so to the people that don’t follow me and will probably never see this, thank you! Your comments make me smile, and I hope you get what you need out of this story. xxxxxx


Hi! I’m not sure how many of you are still active. Goodness knows I’ve been gone for years. I want to say that I was welcomed back with literally thousands of notifications. PCK has almost half a million reads- which is absolutely insane. I’ve spent the entire night, it’s 4am now, reading all the comments, and I’ve replied to some. I’m touched that so many of you have connected with that story and I’m honored to have helped some of you through your hardships. Thank you for your reads/votes/comments/follows. I want to come back and start writing again! I want to interact with you all more because I love the connection you guys had with my characters. It was inspiring and made me feel really great, which I kinda needed right now. Anyway, thank you tons!


Pack is amazing thank you for the most amazing read I've had in awhile have you considered publishing


@kristoffkingsman hi! I dunno if you’re still active, but... 
            No, I haven’t considered publishing. I think there are A LOT of errors in it. Too many to ever deserve an actual publish. The emotion is wrong and it’s very unrealistic. I may give it an update tho. Polish it up and make it a better, more realistic version.


Hi, guys. I dunno how many of you are still active. It's been awhile, lol. I posted a new thing. It's short, not a story. Some free form thing that  I wrote. If you'd like, you can give that a read. Thank you guys for all of the support on PCK. It means a lot and I'm really glad that some of you found hope or help or just enjoyed the story. That's why I like writing. It can do so much for one person. I'm always happy to help and I'm all eyes if you have an issue.


Hai, monkeys! I was just reading comments that were recently posted to PCK and they cracked me up, lol. You guys are too funny. Also, there was a sudden influx of like five people in the past few hours, which is weird, but cool. Thanks for continuing to read, guys! :D It is much appreciated. I'm also thinking of starting some short stories involving just a bunch of little love stories- perfect for a hopeless romantic! So thoughts on that, you can send me a message or post here or whatever. Or just send me a message to send me a message, lol. Okay, anyway, I love you guys! Have a great evening, morning, afternoon, or night. c:


Hai, monkeys! It's almost been a year since I last wrote. o-o Oops. Anyway, I just added a little something new. Writing about suicide and death and pain is kind of my thing. How people think is very interesting to me. Anyway, it's called Blank and I feel that way quite a bit. It is loosely based on personal things, kind of not. I spruced it up a bit for the readers. Hope you enjoy! Oh! Also, many of you have taken me up on my offer of helping you guys out in rough times. I appreciate it. I really do want to help any of you if you have a problem. The online community has really helped me reach out and talk to really amazing people that I can call lifelong friends. If ANY of you EVER need someone to talk to, DO NOT HESITATE to come to me. No judging, no mean comments, I'm only here to help. Use me. c: