
@zmelec touché. Then again it must be a little too hard to ask in this day in age to expect honesty. It's true, no one owes anyone really so even everyday good friends or family have no obligation to us so why should Zayn. 
          	I'm literally over the whole thing ... Zayn is happy now doing his thing, the lads are happy doing their thing, everyone should just move on. Zayn wasn't happy, he left and whatever he does now it's up to him. Do I think differently of him of how the situation occurred? Yes but I think it just goes to show that reality isn't always smiles and rainbows there are real decisions and feelings and not all of them are nice and fuzzy.


@zmelec touché. Then again it must be a little too hard to ask in this day in age to expect honesty. It's true, no one owes anyone really so even everyday good friends or family have no obligation to us so why should Zayn. 
          I'm literally over the whole thing ... Zayn is happy now doing his thing, the lads are happy doing their thing, everyone should just move on. Zayn wasn't happy, he left and whatever he does now it's up to him. Do I think differently of him of how the situation occurred? Yes but I think it just goes to show that reality isn't always smiles and rainbows there are real decisions and feelings and not all of them are nice and fuzzy.


@zmelec I personally like the demo but I think where all this is coming from is from the way that the whole situation has been handled. I can only talk about how I feel but at the beginning I was all supportive of Zayn going what he wanted to do and being strong enough to say hey I've had enough. My issue came from when it was made out that he was stressed and couldn't do anymore and needed to live a normal 22yr old life but less than 24hrs later he is back in the studio with naughty boy and naughty boy is tweeting little videos and stuff. 
          All power to Zayn but he could have be honest and upfront completely. If he wanted to leave because he wanted to go solo and release his own songs and he doesn't like the 1D music just say it and everyone would be a lot happier. It's just how the situation he been handled I think is where a lot of the hurt feelings have come from. 


@PaisleyVikingChick just FYI chapter 22 is just taking me back to the introduction and  it's saying that the last chapter you updated is 21. Just a heads up :) btw I'm totally loving Nico and Finn back together ;)


I totally agree with you on this one :D! lol! --> "Here's the thing ... I don't care if I'm 28 and love 1D ... Here's a brick, use it to build a bridge." 
          *whispers* just kinda ignore me yeah, I am your usual creepy stalker who jumped from Sanne's profile to here :P