
          	Breaking my silence,
          	To be honest, I’m having writer block (all these times I have been away)
          	Maybe you guys could help me!
          	Suggest me any plots/ideas, I’ll see what I can do ab it.
          	Let’s work on it tgt so I could mark the story [completed] (no worry, even after the story completed I will still come once a while.)
          	For suggestions, leave a cmt here or you can inbox me!
          	Thank you <3


          Breaking my silence,
          To be honest, I’m having writer block (all these times I have been away)
          Maybe you guys could help me!
          Suggest me any plots/ideas, I’ll see what I can do ab it.
          Let’s work on it tgt so I could mark the story [completed] (no worry, even after the story completed I will still come once a while.)
          For suggestions, leave a cmt here or you can inbox me!
          Thank you <3


There was something happened to me which worth a chapter but I can’t really turn it into writing.
          I’m so lost on where to start :(((


Had a late work schedule today!!!
          At least we have, Keplus, weekly idol and Kep1er zone at the same day.
          I can recharge later tonight and maybe writing 1 or 2 shots?!


@ 2B_YourKeeper_  of course, we always wait for you ❤


Of course, I will wait for you. 
            Please try to stay healthy and mentally! ♥️
            (you can write what you want, but I hope it's XiaoJin because their moments are so cool)


Depression struck!
          Anxiety attacked!
          It was once of those time where I lost all the motivation to do what I love.
          I’m fighting very hard to survive.
          I hope to be back to you very soon.
          Since this is one of my comfort zone where I could be my peaceful self.
          Praying hard!


@ 2B_YourKeeper_  keep your spirit!!!