
Imagine having a fight with your significant other, yet you don't want to completely ingnore them..
          	I'll just give you an example;)
          	You layed on your shared bed, facing the wall away from your s/o. The two of you had gotten in an argument awhile ago, yet were still salty about it.
          	"(Y/n)..?" You heard their quite voice call from the other side of the bed behind you.
          	You don't answer, opting to keep facing the interesting wall.
          	"(Y/n) look at me.. Please.." You hear their gentle yet broken begging, but you don't budge.
          	"My love I'm sorry.. I know I angered you, but can you look at me..?" They desperately wanted to gaze into your eyes, to feel the familiar spark whenever your eyes met.
          	You close your eyes, finding it incredibly hard not to turn around now.
          	You heard movement from behind you, and suddenly warm arms wrapped around your torso.
          	"Please look at me my love.. I can't take it.."
          	They buried their face into your neck, you could feel how tightly they held onto you, they lightly sobbed.
          	"Okay.. I understand your still mad at me.. But thank you, for letting me hold you like this.."
          	You can feel your anger slowly disappear as the warmth radiating from your partner lulls you to sleep.
          	"I love you (Y/n).. So much." Is what you hear before you feel asleep.


@Ghost_0RchiD Don't mind me just going to keep this forever (=^V^=)


Aw that’s so cute


Hey, do you reckon you’ll ever update Lost in the Future? It’s really good!


I had a think, and maybe you could do something like some of the more underrated characters taking Y/N shopping, but she has no clue what’s going on? Or you could do one of the really ‘modern’ characters and Y/N having a clash of cultures, or something like that (so like Denki trying to explain the concept of gaming to her). Or maybe some bonding time with the other rich characters?


@mOchicOwcAt although i do want to update it one day, i dont have a clear plot in mind T_T if you had any scenarios you wish to read, it might help with my writers block <3


Okay so I'm confused. What does Host Orchid mean? I've seen it spelled out in 2 of your book summaries.


@Talia-Luvs-Bonno same here honestly, guess not everyone can see the font difference ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


I'm just surprised no one else mentioned it before.


@Talia-Luvs-Bonno it's a reminder of my old user (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ back when i searched up flowers when i couldn't think of usernames 


is there a schedule for the yan dsmp book as in like updating for example like every month or ?? (I'm jst confused a bit cuz some books have schedules for them so that I meant)


@vilisnotemo oh okay! thanks for telling me:D


@vilisnotemo uhum  not really an existing schedule, i just post when i feel like writing 