I initially created this account when I was like 13-14 years old. And I mainly used up up to like my freshman year of high school. There are like so many comments I've posted that have aged incredibly poorly. I am now 19 years old. If you see any old, cringe-worthy comments I have ever posted. I would like to delete them. I know nothing is ever truly gone on the internet but I would at least like be free from the reminder of them whenever I get a reply to something I've said.
To those who actually liked the stories I've written, I'm gonna eventually come back, heavily edit them and repost them. The AoT stories are never coming back they were incredibly cringe and badly written. I'd like to continue writing fan-fiction to improve my writing capabilities and creativity.
I'll be back soon, but my update schedule may be a bit hectic. Thanks to everyone who stayed with me this long, awaiting chapters for years. I'll try my best.