
omggg i haven’t checked my account in over a month and there’s so many sweet messages! i’m glad you all are still enjoying my works 
          	little life update: ive been suuuuuper busy with working an internship, summer classes, and working part-time
          	also i picked up MHA again and omg s7 is so good !
          	anyway, i miss writing for yall <3 if time permits, i may whip something up ;)


@keikaminari AWW im so glad to know ur doing well!! fansign is like my comfort fic and prob one of the best enha books I've read here :3 makes me feel so nostalgic agh


@keikaminari AHH i remember reading all of your books when i first started reading wattpad ‼️ been missing u


omggg i haven’t checked my account in over a month and there’s so many sweet messages! i’m glad you all are still enjoying my works 
          little life update: ive been suuuuuper busy with working an internship, summer classes, and working part-time
          also i picked up MHA again and omg s7 is so good !
          anyway, i miss writing for yall <3 if time permits, i may whip something up ;)


@keikaminari AWW im so glad to know ur doing well!! fansign is like my comfort fic and prob one of the best enha books I've read here :3 makes me feel so nostalgic agh


@keikaminari AHH i remember reading all of your books when i first started reading wattpad ‼️ been missing u