
Hey. Meu nome é Dilério e escrevo Romance LGBT+ & Suspense!
          Quero te convidar para dar uma olhadinha no meu perfil no Wattpad! Tenho duas histórias que talvez possam te interessar:
          Com Amor, Enzo 
          O Melhor e Pior Verão 
          Espero que se divirta e, quem sabe, encontre uma nova história favorita por lá! Vou adorar saber o que você achou.
          Até lá!


          I really hope I ain't annoying you. There is a fantasy book of mine, but I am just showing here. You don't need to read if you feel that won't like it. Thank you.
          Children of Chaos, humans sent by gods or cursed to fight eternally? Was Mister Blue planning something? Who is Mister Blue? Chaos once caused so many wars but erased the memories of all creatures. Would he himself be passive or evil? But why would we go against gods, is there something they hide? Are we living beings or mere puppets?


Thanks for the follow! Hope ma-try mo rin ang stories ko! ❤