
Hewow everyone!
          	I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on "Without You." I'm sorry but ever since school started I haven't had as much time to work on the story, so my schedule will become pretty random lol. I'll still be updating, but idk when exactly. It'll be a surprise hahahaha!!


Hewow everyone!
          I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on "Without You." I'm sorry but ever since school started I haven't had as much time to work on the story, so my schedule will become pretty random lol. I'll still be updating, but idk when exactly. It'll be a surprise hahahaha!!


When is “Without You” going to be updated next? No pressure to update, just wondering.


Sounds awesome, thanks! :D


            It's no problem! It will be updated sometime next week, and from there I'm aiming to update every other week. :D


You’re an amazing writer! I can’t believe you don’t have more recognition! Keep it up!


            Thank you so much! I really appreciate it and I won't let you down!


            Wow! Thank you so much that means so much to me! :D


          I just wanted to give a schedule of my works for now.
          "Without You" will update this Saturday (sorry I couldn't last weekend!), and from there it will update every other week. :D
          My other story, "A Work of True Art," will be updated on Saturday as well (as planned) but I don't think I can really give it a regular schedule like my main story "Without You" because I am not focusing too much on it.  I'll post again when I am more sure about it, but right now it looks like it'll be once a month.
          Thank you y'all!!


One of my stories, "A Work of True Art" will be on hiatus. For now, I am going to focus more on my other story, "Without You." I will try to update "A Work of True Art" a month from now, 3/23. Sorry, but the hiatus won't be forever! "Without You" will continue updating as normal.