
So sorry for not replying to comments as much Your girl has been STRESSED lmfao. But ily, I’m back! 


          I frikin love u. I read both ur books and died multiple times. I saw a lot of the A/Ns and Ik u said they weren’t good but in my brutally honest respectful opinion
          That’s a load of utter bull
          Those books gave me a joy I didn’t know I needed. So Thank you. I hope u do as your heart leads


Thank you so much   ILY pookie!!!! 


Omg you wrote auctioned of, I was just checking accounts to see if I could advertise my books cause i'm a loser and nobody reads my books but i'm bumping into you.... I'm sorry, you might think i'm overreacting but I was reading auctioned of, I was already at the very sad end when the book suddenly disappeared from my reading list and I kinda forgot what the name was kept mixing it up...
          But i'm so excited now, I just wanna tell you how interesting your books are, and how creative I think you are for coming up with the idea✨️✨️.... I'm gonna go follow you now, byeeee


          I just wanted to know if u are cutrrently writing smg..?
          As i am so happy with the satisfactory ending of "call it off" 
          Am always waiting for your writings....


            Its fine !
            But pls keep giving us spoilers ....


Thank you! I’ve been working on a couple other projects as well as updating/rewriting Auctioned Off but nothing is complete yet. I’ve wanted to get back into writing again but as an adult with a child and full time job, its become very hard ):


Hi! I was wondering how you got so many followers. I started writing a book but nobody has even looked at it. Also, I love Auctioned Off. I feel like it's a great book. But how did you get so many followers?


Honestly I don’t know. I wrote the story, and many people didn’t follow the journey because I would take forever to update. I published it, forgot about it and carried on with my “typical high school life”. Came back and my story had somewhat blown up. Don’t get me wrong I am so thankful for the people who follow me and read my stories, i love my little readers. But I have no idea how i did it 


i would like to know where the rewritten version of auctioned off is because i really liked it- NO! LOVED IT!!!


Was just about to ask this… Ty 


still working on it currently 