Morning, everyone! Finally, I can update your favorite free novels. I got through my son's graduation and then all of my doctor appointments, getting him situated into his last summer school for his autism, and getting the last IEP meeting done, paperwork here and there for other things, dealing with taxes that I filed cause I'm a self-employed, and I spent the last week getting ready for my colonoscopy and the past three days dealing with a huge gallon of the solution prep I had to consume and then Friday I was put deep under and spent Friday to today sleeping until the sedation medicine was majority wearing off.
As you can read, offline was majorly busy. But now I have a break from offline life to work on my free novels here and my paid ones at Kindle Vella & Kindle.
Look out for updates to those stories you want updated. I'm about to start off with short updates before getting into the longer ones.
Thanks for being patient.
Kelley Li