
          I really hope you don’t mind me posting on here, but could you please have a read of “Tangled Hearts”
          Dive in at
          Experience a journey filled with passion and unexpected twists ❤️✨
          ✅ weekly updates 
          ✅ university romance 
          Sorry again but please have a read, if that’s okay 
          If you are upset about the post I will take it down immediately but can you please have a read. 
          I’ve spoken with the author for permission to promote her book. She’s very shy and this is an undiscovered Gem ❤️❤️✨


Hey!! Sorry to be one of those people, but if you like werewolf/shifter stories could you check out my book? I’ve recently published some new chapters and want some feedback on them. Again sorry to be that person and I understand if you’re busy or simply don’t want to, no hard feelings, have a great day :))


Heyy, Of course! I’ll check that out when I can. I absolutely love these kind of stories. 
            I also respect your dedication to ask for feedback from random people for your work. That speaks volumes. Also, congrats for your new creation. See you soon☺️


Hi darling,
          Sorry to self-promote but I’ve noticed you in a couple of Older brother/Mafia books and I’ve created one in that genre.. Could you check it out?
          Enjoy xx



Your books looks so good!! Can’t wait to read it xx