
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! Hope y’all have a wonderful holiday season.   ❄️  


My collection of Labyrinth one-shots was removed by Wattpad for whatever their reasons are which means the rest of my stories are at risk too. All of my stories are available on AO3 as well if one you like gets deleted. Just know, it wasn’t me taking them away. 


@Monkeygurlalways AO3 is definitely the best place for fanfic. I only posted here because there was a ton of fic theft from other sites to here so I decided to post my stories before anyone could steal them. If you don’t have an ao3 account, message me and I can send you one of my invites. 


@kellyn1604v2 something is happening on Wattpad. Lots of ambassador authors have disappeared. Story's that are rated as mature are getting removed even if there are trigger warnings. I think it's time to move to Ao3 ASAP because Wattpad is turning into a paid for service and ignoring it's origin's as a fanfic site.


I reread the guidelines and apparently my love of kidnapping, lack of consent, and Stockholm is not allowed here. So…yeah. lol. 


Hey guys! I’m back to writing. I posted chapter 6 of Thorns in January and I have 3.5k of the next chapter written hoping to post next week. 
          Anam Cara won best Romance and Most Creative /Original Story in my Labyrinth Facebook group awards which is pretty exciting. If you haven’t read it, give it a go. lol.
          I also got 3rd place for Author of the Year behind two legendary writers in the fandom so that was cool. 
          Hope y’all are having a good year so far! 


Hi! Love your book 'The Favorite Things (The Resident 2011 Fanfic)' honestly there should be more books like this with at least happy endings cuz I don't like bad endings,  anyways it fuels my adrenaline and excitement for the sleep sex.. hnmm I think there should at least have consent and trust in it anyway that's for me! Wonderful book just wanted to express my appreciation in it ty!!!!!


Thank you!!! I’m with you on happy endings. 


Whelp, I entered Anam Cara into the Ambys since I can’t enter it into the Wattys. Here’s hoping I did it right. Lol. 
          Also, I’m rewriting the first 5 chapters of Thorns. I’m not happy with them because I was going through a lot of health issues while trying to write it. I’m getting pretty excited about it again. So that’s good. 


@kellyn1604v2 good luck with the ambys 


I’m so mad that the Wattys dropped fanfiction as a category.  it’s because they can’t profit off of it so it’s not worth their time to support the writers that helped build this platform. Bragging rights are typically enough of a reward for fic writers. Hell, any recognition is enough. So stupid. I just need to shout this into the void. 


@kellyn1604v2 Agreed I worked my ass off on a fic that now has 45k reads and now I can't even put it on Wattys like wth


Absolutely agree! Let’s face it, a huge amount of readers on Wattpad came here for fanfic works! Definitely should have some recognition to the writers who put in so much work. 


@kellyn1604v2 I totally agree... It's ridiculous they've dropped it