I have a question. I know there isn’t much people who like me story. I do realize there are a couple though, and I really am sorry for making the couple that there are wait. Ok so to my question, do you actually enjoy this? I know it’s quite a basic question, but I don’t mean it that way. I’ve been thinking, and I think I want to completely remodel it in a way where it’s the same thing just different wording and writing. Things might come at a alter time them I had originally planned but if the story is well then it’s worth the wait. You might have to wait a bit longer for updates but when they do come they will be a bit more consistent. These characters and this story mean a great deal to me and I want it to eventually mean a great deal to others. So should I remodel it? Or should I keep as is? The reader is always the best critic.
@Ivythemystic lucky i am not talking about it! I actually really enjoy my writing on it! I’m talking about my own story “Our Story.” But I’m really glad you do enjoy the Peter one :)
If you are talking about the Peter pettigrew story, I love it! I know it’s hard to have a story on here really blow up because wattpad has such a bad reputation but you’re doing great!