I might post a one-shot about the Act 2 of the musical "Hamilton" by Lin- Manuel Miranda, it focuses more on Eliza but I don't know what title I should put. My friends' idea (@StashOfWeed and @avpanman) is that I should call it "Candle" wherein Eliza is represented as a candle. Of course, the story starts on "Helpless" and I will skip the war and government stuffs.
Why am I going to post a one-shot? Well, technically it's a subject activity for Arts and I just wanted to share you guys my work. Out of the genres that my teacher had given, I had chosen Tragedy. I am also going to make a poster about my story too! My teacher said that we should pass our stories anonymously, but I still don't know if we had to write a pen name. If we had to write a pen name, I think mine would be "Arch Levite" because my 2nd name is Kenaniah and he is known as the head Levite or chief of the Levites (in the bible).
Anyways, enough babbling, what title would you suggest for me? It would really help a lot! I am going to pass my story to my teacher on Friday (January 25, 2019).
Thanks a bunch!
- Ken