
Anyone got any yoonkook recommendations?


Hi, sorry for bothering ! My name is Fuku. I am new here, and I am currently writing a BTS fanfiction called "My Diary- Yoonkook". It's going to be updated frequently. If you are interested in this topic I recommend you to visit my profile (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ❤


I feel like I fell back into a giant hole of anxiety and that everyday everything I do is nothing and I am just going through the actions of stuff without my own conscience I hate it u want to feel something other than the numbness of the actions i am going through


So who has read the manga called The Nine Lives? 
          I read it a few years ago and then finally bought it on my own however there is still only the one manga to the series and it makes me sad because I want a second one so bad! It is a really good manga and if you haven't read it I suggest you do!


Is it okay or good that I always feel like an outcast even with my friends, and that I feel bored with everything that I like except for reading. I always feel like I am on the outside and I don't know why, I feel lonely even when I am surrounded by people. I don't know what is happening I just feel bored with everything.


School fracking sucked for me today and I am hella pissed at my science teacher and just overall hate science right now


@kenmas_lookalike omg no i meant to say i love my SCIENCE*** teacher not my math teacher lmao


@kenmas_lookalike i for one love my math teacher bc she uses my correct pronouns and preffered name, and were like best friends, but its my math teacher for me- he like literally hates me for absolutely no reason, i dont talk or anything in his class im a good student but i mentally struggle with memorizing strategies with numbers (ive always been like that) and he gets pissed with be about that- idk man. also- what are you pronouns if you dont mind me asking?


@DomSeok12 wow that sucks, mine told me I have eleven missing assignments which I already know but she had the audacity to ask me why I can't get them done in class an do wanted to ask her straight to her face why can't you actually teach this class but I don't want to get sent to the office again, but honestly she doesn't teach my class at all she sits in her chair and gives us random worksheets