Can y’all be safe ‘cause not only are there dangers irl but also online I was literally being TW⚠️⚠️SEXUALLY HARASSED on discord a little over 30 minutes ago he asked me if I was a $lut because of my bio then followed by saying that my bio was ‘turning him on” I responded saying that I have a boyfriend he then told me that cheating was ok as long as my bf didn’t find out of course I said no REPEATEDLY he also started asking me to show him my private along with asking me personal questions about how big certain body parts were now originally I would’ve told my bf but he is sleeping so a random girl helped me
I would like to state that if you don’t like something that an author is saying or writing about keep it to yourself or leave the book I understand if they make a racist comment or a homophobic comment because I would cut up as well but I read a book and had a sentence where the main character said something along the lines of ‘my father left like most African American men’ and obviously some people if not most felt offended by it I was apart of the some but I also seen some comments saying that it’s statistically proven that more African American males leave than any other race whether that is true or not it doesn’t matter just be respectful of the authors book and other’s opinion
P.S. I love you all stay safe
Feel free to suggest story ideas or even chapter ideas I would love to see what type of stuff you guys like, I know how hard it is to find the perfect book for you so let me know I’ll take anything into consideration, byeeee have an amazing day and don’t forget to check out my new book!!!! LOVE YOU