
@Kritii  dana and fluer are really good friens, have been since the begining of the book but dana does not know her brother is the killer, only fluer does. And aaron and fluer used to be together before luke killed the entire family but she could not remeber aaron until luke revealed himself as the killer


@Kritii  dana and fluer are really good friens, have been since the begining of the book but dana does not know her brother is the killer, only fluer does. And aaron and fluer used to be together before luke killed the entire family but she could not remeber aaron until luke revealed himself as the killer


noo!! u did not get me right..! 
          i have read the first part, and im still not getting the hang of what is happening..! 
          i know that Luke has killed Fleur's parents, and that he used to live near her house and all but then Dana is Luke's sister! how does she not know Fleur! Maybe i haven't read the book properly! I am SO confused! HELP ME! :P 


i hope u dont mind me asking, but i was REALLY confused with the story 'My Fearless Choice' which you have been reading too.. hope u don't mind me asking a few questions? 
          what is fleur's relation to Aaron?
          i have read the first part 'my hopless choice' and i really liked it.. but somehow i am not able to get the hang of this one! I'll be very grateful if u help me out! 
          thank u! :)