It’s really been 3 years here on Wattpad—wow, I never thought I’d at least last a year…
Now I know I don’t have much to speak on, given that I only have 130 followers and only 3 ongoing works. Actually seeing that now seems…kinda terrible in the sense of progression. However, time was never on my side. School made writing hard. Days, even weeks consecutively got so busy that I had no time to write. Consistency is key. It’s mine and everyone’s weakness however.
Still, I kept pushing on.
But to be real I “really” didn’t think I’d last. Last year no matter what I told my self, I felt like a failure...a fraud at times. I felt like I didn’t belong here being surround by such talented people. Also I wasn’t just on Wattpad by the way. I’ve been writing for about 4-5years and it was mostly static to be figurative. When I did get on Wattpad I felt refreshed so I deleted my other accounts to focus on this one. I need a fresh start, a new beginning.
I eventually published my first work that was well received. I was happy. It made me feel like I had what it took. I believed in my skill again. So I kept going and published two more works which ofc all are still ongoing, but they were also well received. I was grateful.
However, I think I’ll always harbor these lingering feelings, the self doubt. But I’ll never give up. I’ll continue for the future people as well as the present. I’m sure if I quit they’ll give me quite the earful. So I promise to continue to write, for “you” I’ll write.
If you’ve read this I’m grateful and appreciative. Thanks for listening to me belt my feelings and experience. It’s been a roller coaster for me but this will be the only time I’m emotional. I just want you guys to enjoy my work and not worry.
So thank you…thank you for everything now and in the future. Your all so amazing!!
Stay safe lovelies