
Great news! Chapter 2 for World Without End has been posted! Check it out and let me know what you all think :D


Hello my wonderful followers! 
          I want to apologize for my extended absence. I have been a busy human lately, not even a moment to spare to write. 
          But that’s over, woohooo!
          There are several announcements I’d like to make.
          First off, many of you will notice Soul Survivor is no longer published. Don’t worry the book hasn’t been scrapped, in fact, it is being reworked and revamped for your enjoyment and mine! I will be posting it fresh (starting from zero reads) in a couple of weeks once I’ve gotten fairly far with the edits. 
          Secondly, I know I keep promising a new novel and I have a definite day for its arrival; Wednesday, October 4th. And no, I will not give any hints on what it is about!
          Third and lastly, for the time being I am temporarily putting my editing services on hold. You can still submit a request to me via PM and I will get back to you in a reasonable timeframe on whether I accept it or not. Once accepted they will be added to a public reading list entitled ‘Edits to Be’.
          Thanks for hanging in there with me! You all are the best!


Hello my wonderful followers and loyal readers! Sorry for the delay I've been busy with work and other trivial things life has decided to throw at me. 
          I have an important update regarding my novel 'Soul Survivor'.
          I will be placing it on hold, sort of. As I was writing the last chapter I realized the story has gotten away from me. Far, far away. In order to regain control of this beast I call my novel I have decided I need to reconstruct some of my chapters and rework the plot a bit. Please bear with me during this time. I will still update the novel, just not as much as I'd like.
          On a positive note, the first chapter of my new novel should be up by the middle of next week! Stay tuned!
          Also as a tease, there is a 3rd novel being worked on that I shall post when the time is right!
          Thanks for understanding!


Hey everyone! I have a few important announcements.
          First off, I've survived Hurricane Irma. Wooohoo! Power was down for most of the weekend and even now it is still a little shaky.
          Secondly, I've put a lot of thought into it and I've decided to remove my Friday 5PM deadline to post a chapter. This decision was made for 3 reasons.
          1. I enjoy writing for fun and by giving myself a set deadline it makes it feel more like a chore or homework. I hated homework when I was in school. 4 chapters a month may not sound like a lot but I also have a job and a laughable excuse for a social life, not to mention a beautiful girlfriend I enjoy spending time with :)
          2. It allows me to catch up on edits as well as flush the story out more. Lately I've just been writing for the sake of meeting my deadline. This is neither fair to my novel nor is it fair to you, my readers. 
          3. By not having a deadline I won't be bogged down or restricted to writing only one story. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I am in the process of writing a second novel. Stay tuned for it!
          I will be trying my best to post at least 2 chapters a month.


Also, Chapter 15 will be uploaded later this week.


Hey everyone! Quick status update. I am currently preparing for Hurricane Irma and my area usually loses power during the smallest storm. As a result, Chapter 15 may be delayed a few days. 
          I will do my best to have it ready for Friday and if all goes well I'll have it up first thing in the morning.
          Stay tuned for my updates.


Wanted to pop in to give everyone a quick status update.
          First things first, I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me so far, you guys rock! Soul Survivor has broken a milestone; 500 Reads! Wooh!  Next is 750, then 1000!!
          Secondly, the editing is going well and I should have the first 5 or 6 chapters done by Sunday, maybe even more if I stop slacking off. I've already started writing the chapter for next week, so as promised there will be a chapter up next Friday.
          That's it for announcements. Hope everyone has a great day!