Hi, do you have the cover sill (without the writing) for Morgana and Merlin? The one where she's pregnant? If so can you tell me where you found it? I have a roleplay based on them and I would really like that picture


And no offence but if you won’t write it I will,with permission of course.I just really think that people keep asking for another ending and this book… it’s pulling my heartstrings ,it’s the only one I’ve ever fully enjoyed,I’m sorry if I sound like I’m being rude.I promise I don’t mean to sound rude

Please,that is the sort of stud I live for

Please please please please please please pleaseeeeeee can you do another book of The curious case or Merlin and Morgana,please! I beg of you!I’ve read over 157 Morgana books over the internet (yes I count them)And none of them are even considered good compared to yours,I beg of you please can you do another please please please

The Curious Case of Merlin and Morgana was breath-takingly written. It's the only fanfic I've reread actually, I'd say this is probably my fourth time and I still love it dearly. Now I'm sure your probably being pestered about the ending by many other people. And I know your busy. But maybe just maybe we could get even one chapter of what happened after? But even if not I love this story with all my heart and I'm so greatful that you didn't just go back to Arthur and Morgana both being dead. I just rewatched Merlin so my broken heart needed some healing to do. And that would've crushed my heart so I appreciate it!

You have no idea how much it means to me to read what you have written. I have been trying to read it myself as a mergana fan for years and I was never able to go beyond the third chapter because there are so many thing I want to change about it, especially the ending. But since you keep re-reading it, that means I have done something right. Thank you so much for your kind words, for the time you took to read and re-read it and for leaving a comment. This comment is left me smiling like an idiot and it made my day :)

Will you write more stories in the future or not ? Because I wish their would be more cause I loved the others stories.

I know it's been three years since you finished TCCOMM but plz just make a small sequel or an epilogue of what happened... I just really read the story again after a year in hopes of there being an update... But sadly there wasn't. I realize you haven't been very active anymore, believe me I went through the same thing but am tryna finish all my fabrics as well. Okay so...im gonna do this in a really mature way and ask you too PLEASE JUST WRITE AN EPISODE THIS STIRY IS ALWAYS IN THE BACK OF MY MIND AND I AM LITERALLY DYING PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JUST TELL US WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE I JUMP OUT A WINDOW KR SOMETHING. Yup. Definitely mature.... Don't you think. But in all seriousness,everyone loves this story and it would mean a lot to continue the story. I read all this fan fiction to try and heal the wounds the show Merlin inflicted.Everyone who watched Merlin understands that I'm sure. I literally have said this a million times and I'm gonna say it again. I grew up watching Merlin and it helped me move past my depression and helped me recover from the passing of my parents and my brother. It means the whole world to me. So please, if u can. UPDATE! Sorry for rambling on and on! Love ya And a lot of people on here don't believe it BIT MY NAME IS ALSO MORGANA

@HeartbrokenClotpole Awww No worries about the story, I'll just imagine that they got together and Arthur survived.Yes,my name is Morgana!But no Merlin in sight lol forever alone Thx so much for responding Xoxoxo

@HeartbrokenClotpole Okay, first things first. I appreciate the long comment and let me begin by saying how deeply sorry I am for what happened to your family. No one should feel such a loss. With that out of the way, let me tell you that writing this story had been the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. I am glad that everyone loves the story and it was my goal to satisfy all readers as I wrote it. Here's a little secret, I changed the ending. In the original one, Morgana dies and Merlin returns to his reality where both Arthur and Morgana are dead. Let's be honest, Morgana was a victim but she had done some horrible things. She killed her own father and she even killed Morgause with her own hands. She doesn't deserve redemption. Maybe during the third. Neither she nor Merlin deserve a happy ending. But, my sister insisted I gave them a happy ending, something that the writers of Merlin denied us. And it is for that reason, that it appears as though the story isn't finished yet. But that's the ending I felt these two should have. They got a glimpse of what they could accomplish together if they were on the same side and now, it's their choice to do the rest. Thank you for you kind words and if your name is really Morgana, then I wish you find a Merlin that loves you the way Merlin loves Morgana during the first and second season (except for the episode when he killed her).

I absolutely love your story ‘The Curious case of Merlin and Morgana’ and I believe you’re a very talented writer! I wish I could find a mergana story like it but none are anywhere near as good!