
Hi guys! I'm alive (barely) Long-time no update. Alright here's what's going on, I have finished the plotline of SLA (which is all currently published). If you guys would like I can write a happy fluff chapter to tie off, I know many of you would like that. Or I can work on posting the first part of How it All Unfolded. What is How it All Unfolded? Well, good question. HIAU will be a precursor to SLA with all your favorite characters and even some fun new ones. As to what it's about, well I can't spill all my secrets in one day, but I promise you guys will love it. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or private message me.


@kestraltrojan how can I get to read HIAU ?


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Hi guys! I'm alive (barely) Long-time no update. Alright here's what's going on, I have finished the plotline of SLA (which is all currently published). If you guys would like I can write a happy fluff chapter to tie off, I know many of you would like that. Or I can work on posting the first part of How it All Unfolded. What is How it All Unfolded? Well, good question. HIAU will be a precursor to SLA with all your favorite characters and even some fun new ones. As to what it's about, well I can't spill all my secrets in one day, but I promise you guys will love it. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or private message me.


@kestraltrojan how can I get to read HIAU ?


Hey I just wanted to ask when next update is?


@MarisolRodriguez058 but don't you think it is wise if you finish the story I'm just saying I'm not being rude or any thing okay.


@MarisolRodriguez058 probably won't be another update for a while if not ever. I'm thinking about leaving it off there. 


Hi just wanted to know when the next update is?


@MarisolRodriguez058 alright thanks let us know when you update okay


@MarisolRodriguez058 I dont have a set scheduale, Ill try to get one out this week. 