Hi ❤️ So, I'm not sure if any of you guys are still interested considering it's been well over a year, but chapter 4 of Remarkable is up :))
Now, I'm not completely sure where this leaves me story-wise, since it did take me many MANY rewrites before I could get something I liked enough to post. However, I do want to be completely clear that I still want to try to write this book, I just don't know how long it's going to take me to write the rest, let alone the next chapter. Hope you can all be patient enough to wait for it XD
Aside from that, I do want to say 155K READS ON ADORKABLE???? Thank you all so much <3 new readers and old!!!
Hope you all enjoy this morsel of content and that 2023 is being nice to you all ✨✨✨✨✨