
Sorry guys there won't be any update today, I would be home really late I'm gonna update if possible in noon or in the evening for sure 


So Guys I just uploaded 4 chapter in a row this week, now I need to work on my project for 2 days atleast then I'm gonna upload 4 chapters in row again, I will follow the same schedule till I possibly can 
          Thank you so much for waiting for me  


I am really sorry for not posting frequently
          I just wanna let you all know I tried writing but I just couldn't get myself to write for now 
          This month it's my father's death anniversary it's been two years but still I just can't accept it happen 
          I really wanna get back to whatever I used to do but I really can't bring myself to use any social media or anything right now 
          I don't know my mind is complete mess 
          Please wait for me I won't drop the story 
          I will post as much as I can whenever I feel better 
          Thank you all of you for your comments I really love seeing so much support
          You all means so much to me ❤️❤️ 
          Wait for me na 
          Love you all  


@xtravagirl this really made my day, thank you so much for your kind words and dear my condolences for your father 


@ketkitayde29 we will wait for you for sure! you brought so much light to us with your story and I hope you find that light again. I also lost my father (5 yrs ago) and it does get a little easier with time. I just keep thinking about him finally being at peace and knowing that he would want me to stay positive and healthy. Where ever you are I am sending you a virtual hug. Take your time to breathe deeply and please take care.


Hii when are you gonna update daddy's baby?


@ketkitayde29  It's all okay.All the best for exams and I know you will pass it really well.


@Arya180405 I am really sorry love I didn't update for so long... But I am really busy with my uni exams and practicals... Engg. Sucks real bad... I am really sorry for that.. my exams will be finished at the end of this month so I am definitely gonna update after that ❤️❤️❤️