“ what do you need , brekker ? “
* cb & specify
* cb / specify
you think /i/ would do that? after everything i've done for you ... ?
/ i am so sorry that this is like four days late HELP you’re still up? i had thought you’d be long asleep by now. is something up with you? ( she mused, head tilting as she clasped her hands in front of her. )
oh, come /on/. i understand that it may be important, but that doesn’t mean it can’t wait until tomorrow, once you’ve gotten some proper rest. ( she crossed her arms, huffing. )
* ceebee
i know i shouldn't even bother, but (...) you alright, boss?
you know saying that doesn't actually stop me from worrying, right? come on. at least get some rest or something, boss.
* cb&spec,
as much as I / adore / dramatic entrances , I’d appreciate you / not / threatening my life with the crow head of your cane . / terrible / first impression .
@snatchinthief sources, many of them claim you're a telepath. [ kaz spoke, voice raspy and firm, leathered covered fingers tapped absent-mindedly against the crow's head on his cane once more before giving it a tap against the cobblestones underneath his feet. ] not even for a bit of kruge?
@kettrdamned ( . . . ) blackmail ? you’re blackmailing me ? [ lena wasn’t surprised . she was aware of his reputation . but she couldn’t help but stare at him in disbelief at the nerve he had to threaten her . nevertheless , what came out of her mouth next would probably surprise him . she laughed . ] my ‘ protection ‘ ? tell me , dirtyhands , what proof do you have that I am what you say I am ? you have nothing . I / hate / to break it to you dear , but the word of a criminal means nothing .
@snatchinthief & i need you to give me whatever information you've got, and i'll make sure that little secret of yours is hidden away. [ kaz starts off. He was alone this time — his other crows out on their own respectable jobs, but dirtyhands knew what had to be done in order for this deal to happen. ] and if you fail to give me what I want, kiss your protection goodbye. [ he adds, a somewhat sly smirk gracing the Barrel boss' lips as he moved along the cobblestones swiftly. ]