In the process of creating a few stories. Planned to be released next week, on Sunday. First chapter will be short just to see how well they do, then I will start formulating more longer chapters. Please do be patient for those All tags will be added beforehand and it will be mentioned at the start of the chapter. - chow P.s English is not my first language and I do struggle with some words and its spelling. Hope that is okay, be sure to correct me if I misunderstood the definition of a word in the context of a sentence. Thank you

For the time being, a few parts will be released on the types of stories to come later. Please derive your attention to a book labeled as "Notebook". There you will find all stories I hope to create. With the title, cover, description and other important details will be covered in each part, depending on the contents of each story. That is all. Thank you, take well care all.