A young girl named Aria falls in love for a devastatiling handsome unknown creature named " Ofalet" with human features, who is after her sister Melatina to take her soul and Aria's as well because Melatina has been playing with Ofalet's magic and casts accidently a curse that is hard to be broken , but when Ofalet fools Aria of her responsible of Melatina's death, Aria figures out later that her sister is not dead and that Ofalet is a not so well-off a convincing liar; Aria will doing at nothing to stop his profanity of manipuating people and sending out gray skined deamons to torment the human lives of the villagers of her land, something that helps here in her jourey,even though the circumstances is that from being so wise she unpuzzles how to unbreak the spell but to do so she will have to sacrifice the life of any newborn triplets from the village to un-do the spell, and it looks unethical to work, so she tries everything she could think of from what she knows of about medieval magic like even going to a doctor witch, but will she be able to accomplish this with out everything that she most dear for, scater in pieces shooting for the wrong turn? , before it is to late?., Read more to engage in a story of suspense, wisdom and the value of a reliable friendship... An adventure of the most strange, but wonderful aspect.....Stay tune!...