
Hello friends and followers! I have been diligently working away at  Terror for a few weeks now and could use some readers. I know its been a while but I am committed to finish this, my second novel, before years end.  I could certainly use a muse or two to keep me motivated.  As always thanks in advance for any of my old friends, or new ones, who peruse my musing and hopefully find it interesting. Be well and carry on...


Hello friends and followers! I have been diligently working away at  Terror for a few weeks now and could use some readers. I know its been a while but I am committed to finish this, my second novel, before years end.  I could certainly use a muse or two to keep me motivated.  As always thanks in advance for any of my old friends, or new ones, who peruse my musing and hopefully find it interesting. Be well and carry on...


Hey all you groovy guys and groovy gals out there in WATT land, I actually won myself the THIRD PLACE, in The Realist awards for "The Terror!"  How cool is that? I'm not a guy who wins a lot of things so I'm pretty dang excited about it. ThanksRealist award peoples!


@kevinhog That's fantastic news! Congrats!


Thanks seas


@kevinhog , that is so cool. congratulations. nowvonto another contest? there must be many, many. :)


Hi when will you be updating sister unknown?,I didn't realise it was two years ago I commented and asked you about updating,I'd love to read more,thanks for the votes today too on my book


I hadn't received much interest in that story so I put it on the back burner. I guess I better give it another chance, thanks for your interest. Carry on...


I'm about halfway through Steven Kings "Doctor Sleep" the sequel to the shining and...I'm totally addicted and will be finished soon. This is the first actual paper book I've read in a few years and it has come back like an old friend. I had to buy stronger readers to see the fine print (3.25 now) but it's worth it. I had forgotten what it was like curling up with a real book, book. So I was wondering, when was the last time you sat down and read a paper novel?


@kevinhog Ah yes <3 that book was amazing :D
            The last paperback I read was... a month ago? My all-time favourite: I never promised you a rose garden


@kevinhog it's good to read a book book sometimes. I'm currently trying to read my friends book Shadow of Magic. I stress trying. It's poor quality not ready for publication but his publisher is a vanity press. So yeah. 
            His idea is good. 
            Otherwise still slowly reading book 2 of Hunger Games. 


@kevinhog Nightly when I read to my child ;) But i know what you're getting at. The last real book i read was early this month. In Calabria by Peter S. Beagle.