
Hey everyone! Chapter 25 is finally up! It's shorter than the previous one, but still, I hope you enjoy!
          	This will be my last update for a while as I will be away for Fourth of July. Have a good weekend!


Chapter 23 is up now! Enjoy it!
          Sorry for being super inactive lately. I've been dealing with a lot of writer's block, not wanting to update, and just some hard feelings over college applications decisions lately.
          With that said, I want to warn you of something. Going forward, I will need to devote some extra time for AP test practice and college decisions, which will no doubt affect the time I have to write this story. There may be times like now where you may not hear from me for longer periods of time, or not see a chapter from me. I assure you I will be all right during these times.
          Rest assured that once school is out and I'm done with all testing matters, I will try to extensively work on this over the summer, so you'll see some revised chapters as well as frequent new ones.
          Happy reading, and see you soon!
          All the best,


Hey everyone! Here's an update on Chapter 19 of my story.
          I have decided to split it into two parts, in part because I noticed that it got too lengthy. 
          So that means you will get two back-to-back chapters!
          That's all for now, folks!