
Sorry there was no chapter uploaded this weekend, hoping to finish it tonight or tomorrow! In the words of Taylor Swift’s t-shirt… Got a lot going on right now :,) 


Can’t wait for the next part. Also hope everything is okay x. I really want this to work out for Mia and Char 


Just released a new chapter, not sure if everyone is having problems with notifications but thought I’d let y’all know just in case :) 
          xoxo, gossip girl


@kgeorgiam99 it’s soooooo annoying!!! Although I’m getting notifications about fics I’m not reading or people I’m following which is weird. 


@TastesLikeCola21 glad it’s not just me, it’s actually such an inconvenience though 


I haven’t had fic notifications for about a week. 


this message may be offensive
Dearest gentle readers, I have some ideas that have gotten me excited about writing again. Whilst you’re all enjoying the soppy love story which is Mia and Char, this is not what I came here to write initially. So I’m going to give you a say. Mia and Char will never end, they’re solid as a rock, but I have some pretty fucked ideas that will make for some nice twist and turns because I just can’t help that I love a bit of drama and thrill. Are y’all mentally prepared for me to write them? Do I pursue these dark and twisty ideas I have? Let me know :) 


@kgeorgiam99 go for it! Gotta love some twisty trauma! 


Write whatever makes you happy!  


Guys, another TNN fanfic writer just mentioned the insta TNN fan awards… didn’t even know this was a thing but it seems my story has been nominated for favourite Wattpad story! Honestly that is crazy to me, I’m so grateful for everyone who has taken the time to read my writing, thank you so much :) I know I haven’t uploaded in a while, but life has just been busy, I will do my best to get back to it in the new year <3 


Hey everyone, just a little update because it’s been a while since my last chapter. I haven’t given up and I’m still very invested in this story. I’ve just been a bit drained from work recently and I’ve been lacking inspiration. Hoping to finish my current chapter this weekend! Thank you everyone for reading and sticking this out with me, I’ve really loved seeing you all enjoy the story :) much love chicas xo


So sorry for traumatising you all with the spice in the last chapter looool but now that it’s out of my system I can carry on writing fun and wholesome chapters haha! Thank you for all the support btw, I honestly started this thinking that it wouldn’t get any traction and I’d give up after a week, but you’re all amazing! And here we are 48 chapters in and not far off 20k reads woop woop! 


Currently writing chapter 41, but just realised I’ve hit 10k reads! Like whaaaat, you’re all absolute babe’s! Think you’ll enjoy this next chapter, there’s so much angst and I know you all live for the drama ;)


@kgeorgiam99 congratulations  on 10k 